Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another. Doesn’t it sound Judgmental? I mean, we say we do not discriminate, yet we do judge people. The statement sounds like a controversial statement for me.

For me, a beautiful and handsome is a human with a soft personality, fair-minded, well-mannered with a pleasing disposition, and a confident attitude. Not just a straight face. I think those are the factors which can make someone beautiful, am I wrong?

I call a beautiful person as someone who isn’t perfect but can make someone crazy about loving them even if they belong to the same gender. How do you actively express love? Show love and hope that person finds it?

Society proved the attractiveness of character as a more compelling factor than physical shape. It is considered that the two are independent of each other, just as a person can have a beautiful face but an ugly heart, or a person with an ugly or straight face and a beautiful soul.

Moreover, characters can change. Just because a person was considered a good catch in his or her youth does not mean that this estimation will remain forever.

So I would end my opinion by saying that the most beautiful person is the one whom you know you love and respect much and treat with immense kindness, trust, respectfulness, and honesty!
